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Tag: controller (40 entries)


The Svlinky is a new open-source RP2040 controller that natively supports Sadek Baroudi's VIK standard proposal.

Bonsai C3 is back!

Check out the Bonsai C3, a Proton C replacement by CustomMK. Back in stock after the chip shortage, readers can get it for a special price now.

Stampy controller

An RP2040-based controller for handwiring keyboards: Stampy by Keebio.

Splinktegrated controller

Splinktegrated, released by Fmcraft, is an open-source controller board for Dactyls.

0xCB Helios

The 0xCB Helios is an Elite-C compatible development board sporting an RP2040 chip.

Epi controller

A new open-source controller with tiny footprint: Epi by rallekralle11.


Josh Johnson released the Sea-Picro, a Pro Micro alternative with RP2040 and some neat features.

Frood RP2040

Frood RP2040 is an open-source controller by 42keebs. A Pro Micro compatible breakout board with an RP2040.

RP2040 Bento

The RP2040 Bento, a relatively low profile breakout board without a USB connector, has been open-sourced by hainguyenac.


The Elite-Pi is a new controller by Maple Computing – sporting an RP2040 chip while being compatible with the Pro Micro footprint.

0xB2 - splinky controller

0xB2 - splinky is a Pro-Micro/Elite-C replacement development board by plut0nium – with USB-C and RP2040.

Technoblogy RP2040

A minimal controller sporting a RP2040 chip with all the 30 GPIO pins broken out – designed by Technoblogy.

Blok controller

Boardsource announced Blok, a new RP2040-based microcontroller with Pro Micro footprint.

Free prototype PCBs from Seeed

Seeed Studio is running a sponsorship campaign of the Seeed Fusion Assembly service offering free PCB prototypes for DIY keyboard projects with a XIAO RP2040 controller included.

0xCB Pluto

0xCB Pluto is a Pro Micro compatible controller designed by 0xCB-dev.

Seeeduino Xiao RP2040

Another RP2040-based controller with relatively small form factor: Seeeduino Xiao RP2040.

TinyS3 controller

UnexpectedMaker's TinyS3 is a development board featuring the ESP32-S3 controller, and offering both wired and wireless connection.

Key Micro RP

The key micro RP offered by abitkeys is another RP2040-based controller with some extras.

Tiny2040 controller

Tiny 2040 is another RP2040-based development board, this time by Pimoroni.

STeMCell devboard

The STeMCell is a STM32 based development board with Pro Micro pinout – designed by megamind4089.

RP2040 Stamp

The RP2040 Stamp is a RP2040-based controller with LiPo charger and Neopixel – breaking out all GPIO pins.


The RP2040-Zero is a tiny RP2040 based controller with USB-C and 20(+9) GPIO pins.

Adafruit KB2040 Kee Boar

An RP2040 based development board by Adafruit, designed with keyboard builders in mind.

Arduino UNO Mini

The UNO is not your typical keyboard controller, but the anniversary edition is actually only 34.2mm x 26.7mm. Hmmm.

Adafruit KB2040 controller

Adafruit announced the preliminary pinouts of its RP2040 based KB2040 controller: the Keeboars.
